Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Halfway Done

Hey all!  It has been a little long since I have posted, so I am going to blame that on the holidays, vacation, and weather!  I hope you all had a wonderful season and are ready for the second half of the school year.  Can you believe that we are halfway done with this school year?  Where did that time go?

Since we have come back from our holiday break, we have been busy getting back into the routine of things.  I strongly believe that it was an easy transition back.  Students seemed to have adjusted into their "normal" routine quite easily.  We have had some conversations about Cadet Pride (behavior) expectations, homework completion, and on-task behavior.  Again, I have been pleased with the beginning of the second half of the school year.  

In social studies, we are started a unit on ancient Greece.  We are learning about its history, Athens and Sparta, the Persian Wars, and the Peloponnesian War.  One activity/project that the students completed was a Minoan labyrinth.  A labyrinth is a maze that is hard to escape from.  The students were assigned to create their own labyrinth and then once completed, they exchanged with a partner and tried to solve one another's labyrinths.  They seemed to enjoy this assignment and were quite creative with their mazes.

We are going to take a short break from ancient Greece and focus a few days on Martin Luther King Jr.  Students will be analyzing one of his famous speeches.  His speech is titled "What is Your Life's Blueprint?"  It is a speech that he voiced six months before he was assassinated.  He spoke to a group of students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia.  It has a great message, where he
explains that you are responsible for your own decisions in your life.  You should not let others make you feel inferior, you are responsible for your own decisions, and you should try and strive to do great in your life.  It will be a good lesson for all.

 In literacy, we have begun discussing theme, or the message of a story, poem, novel, etc.  We have used pieces of writing, novels, Disney or Pixar clips, and billboards to determine themes.  One other component we have added is determining evidence to support the theme.  The students are doing well with this literary skill.  Today, we will begin reading "The Dog of Pompeii" in our Literature book to determine the theme from that story.  They are excited to read this one! 

Yesterday, report cards were sent home.  Please look over the report card, sign the envelope, and have your child return it to school.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me either via phone call or email.  Thanks!

Book orders were also sent home yesterday.  The students have the option to take a book order home if they are interested in ordering books, so not every student has taken the book orders home.  If your child is interested in ordering books, please return the forms and payment on Tuesday, January 26th.  Please make checks payable to Scholastic Book Clubs.  Thank you!

Lastly, there is no school on Monday, January 25th, so please plan accordingly.

Have a great (rest of the) week!
Mrs. McCarville

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