Monday, December 14, 2015

Holidays.....Here They Come!

Hey all!  It has been a little while since I last posted but we have been super BUSY!!!! We just finished up some awesome movie trailers for our book clubs and are wrapping up our unit on the ancient Israelites for social studies.  It is truly "crunch time," and we are all working our little tails off to get things completed before Christmas break!

Our time is winding down and soon it will be holiday break….yah!  To celebrate the holidays, we have many activities planned for our last two days of school, but we need a little help from you.  On Monday, we plan on having a “Christmas STEM Day,” where we will complete various hands-on activities using skills in science, technology, engineering, or math.  Due to the large number of students and the large number of supplies needed, we are asking for any donations of these supplies.  The supplies are listed below and any donation would be greatly appreciated.  If you chose to send any of these supplies, please send them by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th.  

·      Popsicle sticks
·      Peppermint candies (red and white)
·      Large marshmallows
·      Mini Marshmallows
·      Toothpicks
·      Index Cards
·      Spaghetti Noodles
·      Gumdrop Candies
·      Plastic Round Ornaments
·      Coffee Stirrer Straws
·      Life Savers Peppermints
·      Tissue paper
·      Napkins
·      Coffee Filters
·      Cupcake Liners
·      Dixie Cups
·      Scotch Tape

On Tuesday, we will have several activities buzzing around in our classrooms.  It will be a busy day, packed with activities that will keep us busy.  There are a few things we are asking your child  to bring in to school that day.

First and foremost, we are going to take in the joy of reading and have a chunk of our morning dedicated to “DEAR” time (Drop Everything And Read).   To make us cozy in our reading, students are welcomed to bring a pillow and/or blanket to nestle in while he/she is reading.   During this time, students (and teachers J) will be reading for the pure enjoyment.  Students are welcomed to bring a snack and drink to nibble on while reading, but it is not required.

Secondly, there will be a portion of time where students will be playing board games.  We are asking all students to bring any board games from home that we can play in the 6th grade classrooms that day.  We do ask your child to have his/her name on the box of the board game in case the game is misplaced.  PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD BRING GAMES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  

Lastly, to end our day on Tuesday, students will be relaxing for the holidays by enjoying a movie.  Again, if your child has any appropriate movies that can be donated to our classroom for the day, we would greatly appreciate it.  We encourage students to choose a movie that has only a “G” or “PG” rating.  Again, we do ask your child to have his/her name on the movie in case there are multiple copies of the same DVD.  Your child is also welcome to have a snack and drink during that time.

Thanks in advance for your help and support!  
Happy Holidays!

Mrs. McCarville

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