Monday, December 5, 2016

Welcome December!

Well, December has come in with a bang!  What a beautiful snowfall on Sunday, right?  Some of you may disagree, but I guess it IS December so we just have to grin and bear it.  Being that there is snow on the ground, students will be expected to bring and wear winter coats, snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots.  If they do not have boots or snow pants, they must stay on the hard surfaces during recess. Please encourage your child to have those items for recess. Thank you! 

The excitement has been building as children author, Katherine Hannigan, will be joining us today. Ms. Hannigan is coming to visit with grades 4-6 this morning.  We are anxious to meet her, as we have been reading her book True...Sort Of.  We are enjoying her book and are excited to meet her later this morning. 

Winter MAPS testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday THIS WEEK! We are taking the reading the test on Tuesday and the math test on Wednesday.  Due to testing, we are asking students to bring their chargers to school tomorrow and Wednesday.  Students sill need to charge their laptops at night so they are fully charged in the morning, but we would like the chargers at school during our testing days.  Students may also bring a snack for testing on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings if they choose.  We are also encouraging students to get a good night's rest and to eat a good breakfast on the mornings of the tests.  Lastly, we are asking parents to chat with your child about putting effort into each test and discussing their importance. Thanks for your support!

This week, students will be bringing home a book for a whole grade book club.  All the sixth-grade students will be reading the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde and completing book club jobs.  Students will be receiving a December calendar that we will fill out together.  On this calendar, students will write down their book club reading assignments and book club jobs for the whole book. This will be beneficial because students will know their reading assignments, especially if they are absent. Each day of reading, students will complete their book club job and discuss their assignments in their individual discussion groups.  We are anxious to start today. 

Lastly, I am sending out December book orders and get them ordered and delivered before winter break.  If you would like to order book orders, please send cash or make checks payable to "Scholastic Book Clubs."  Along with the book orders, I am sending home a coupon that can be used when ordering books.  If you would like to order books, I would like the book orders in by THIS FRIDAY, December 9th. 

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.  Have a wonderful week! 
Mrs. McCarville

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